Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022
7:30am - 8:00am // Prayer Meeting
8:00am - 5:00pm // Registration
8:00am - 9:00am // Auto Recycling Training Institute Meeting
8:00am - 9:00am // Scholarship Foundation
8:00am - 3:00pm // Exhibitor Load-In
9:05am - 10:35am // Affiliate Chapters Meeting
9:05am - 9:55am // Annual Convention Educational Programming Committee
10:40am - 11:30am // Interchange Committee
Everyone on own for lunch (if not Past President)
11:30am - 12:45pm // Past Presidents Luncheon
12:55pm - 1:45pm // Awareness Committee
12:55pm - 1:45pm // Government Affairs Committee
1:50pm - 2:45pm // Certification Committee
2:50pm - 4:05pm // Membership & Board of Directors Meeting
4:15pm - 5:15pm // Opening Keynote
Dave Luehr
Dave Luehr, author of The Secrets of America's Greatest Body Shops, will treat the audience to an entertaining, eye opening, and informative presentation about why most businesses cannot seem to find and retain top talent and what a small number of outliers are doing differently to solve the problem. Dave will also speak to the automotive recycler/repairer relationship.
5:30pm - 8:30pm // Ribbon Cutting and Past President Reception & Expo Opening
Friday, Sept. 23, 2022
7:45am - 8:20am // Prayer Meeting
8:00am - 5:00pm // Registration
8:30am - 8:50am // Welcome, Friday Highlights and Awards
8:50am - 9:50am // General Session: Recycler Keynote
Ryan Falco
This session will focus on the importance of Leadership within your organization and why the time is more important now than ever to be a strong leader within your organization. We will dive into the attributes that will take your yard to the next level by being a world class leader. In today’s changing environment we are seeing the importance of not being a boss but being a leader that your team can depend on and flourish under.
10:00 - 10:55am // Advantages of Being an Independent
Ron Wilbert
Why do you have a better hand to succeed than the big boys down the road ? We will discuss the multiple ways we can take advantage of being family-owned and Independent.
10:00 - 10:55am // Self-Serve Panel: Brand Marketing
Moderator: Mike Pierson
This panel will discuss the importance of having a strong brand for your business and share examples of what has worked and what has not worked for their businesses.
10:00 - 10:55am // The Power of Mentoring
Marty Hollingshead & RD Hopper
Learn about ARA’s growing peer-to-peer mentoring program and how participating in the program can help grow your business – either as a mentee or mentor! Hear from program participants, current and former mentors, and ask questions about what the program entails. If you’ve ever wanted a fresh perspective on your business or to give back to the automotive recycling industry, this session is for you.
11am - 11:55am // EV Battery Value Chain Opportunities and Challenges
Todd Coy, Cirba Solutions; Dustin Krause, Redwood Materials; Bob Mulaney, ITAP; Brylan Schultz, Natural Ventures Recycling (moderated by Sandy Blalock)
Learn more about the challenges and opportunities ahead for the EV battery market. Attendees will have ample opportunity to ask questions of this expert panel.
11am - 11:55am // Culture of Accountability
Profit Team
Recent challenges in building a good staff as well as replacing employees has robbed some businesses their ability to still hold their staff accountable. Fear of losing even an underperformer because of the great unknown has allowed many employees to perform at a lower level without worry of being corrected. They have also become more demanding. We will discuss recent findings to learn what employee information is true, exaggerated, or completely false in an effort to help attendees develop better strategies for implementing improved accountability without the fear of becoming understaffed.
11am - 11:55am // CAR and Safety Compliance Assurance
Sue Schauls & Shannon Nordstrom
How can you assure that your facility is safe for employees and customers and insulated from enforcement action or fines? By using the CAR Program Safety Standards and resources it is easy to achieve compliance and assurance – come learn how!
Noon - 1pm // Tech Talks
This session will provide an overview of software available to full-service facilities.
Noon - 1pm // Tech Talks: Self-Service Panel
This session will provide an overview of software and products available to self-service facilities.
1pm - 5pm // Exposition w/Lunch
5:30pm - 6:30pm // LARA: Wine & Cheese Social
6:30pm - 9:30pm // Networking & Awards Night
"A Night in Paradise" PAU HANA (a time to relax with friends & family)
Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022
7:45am - 8:15am // Prayer Meeting
8:00am - 3:00pm // Registration
8:30am - 9:30am // General Session: Recycler Keynote
Pat Huesers & Mike Meyers
From a start-up business on four acres of land more than 30 years ago, PAM’s Auto has grown into a 120+ acre part distribution facility. Pat and Mike (PAM) will share the evolution of their company and share how they developed process to support growth. This session will cover challenges, opportunities, and look to the future.
9:30am - Noon // Exposition Open w/Brunch
Noon - 12:50pm // Self-Service Panel: Efficiency and Safety
Moderator: Steve Barkwell
This panel will discuss how to build safety and efficiency standard operating procedures into your daily operations and share examples from their own businesses.
Noon - 12:50pm // eBay: A Support Agent of Change for the Automotive Industry
Garff Fitzgerald & Josh Brunner
Learn the latest eBay Motors advances to advance your business. This session will include live examples and demonstrations of how to improve your company’s listings.
Noon - 12:50pm // Building Relationships in the Data Field World
Profit Team
Changes in what information a customer has access too as well as automated ordering options have changed drastically in our industry. Does this change the salesperson’s role? What must be changed in order to be as successful when dealing with our more informed customers and the customer with increased order options?
1pm - 1:50pm // eBay Q&A (moderated by Theresa Colbert)
Immediately following “eBay Motors: A Support Agent of Change for the Automotive Industry”, this is an opportunity for automotive recyclers to ask questions directly to the eBay team.
1pm - 1:50pm // Building a Better Trading Group
Alex Bechstein & Ron Wilbert
Trading Groups are here to stay. So what’s next? How are you evolving to add more value to your trading group customers? Are you picking your vendors as strategic partners? This session will discuss transparency, accountability, and efficiency trends happening within trading groups that you can implement to grow your business.
1pm - 1:50pm // Change Your Approach or Your Employees Will Change Who They Work For
Jen Wilson
The last three years have been challenging to say the least. The last thing any of us want to do is lose a good employee because we weren't willing to change the way that we approached our benefits, work environment, reward systems and methods of appreciation. While we can't all have the same perks that larger companies might be able to provide, our employees see those companies and want us to at least try to appreciate them.
2:00pm - 2:50pm // Convention Take-Aways that Pushed Us to Succeed
Pat Huesers & Mike Meyers
After years of attending conventions, we always had the goal of taking away at least two or three nuggets of information that we would implement in our business. Many of the takeaways were inspiration that we applied to help with a business headache. This session will share some of the success stories of the past and look to the future.
2:00pm - 2:50pm // The Future of Mobility and Automotive Recycling
Jean-Christophe Lambert, Lithion; Austin Ornelas, Li-Cycle; Anthony Garbarino, Currents; Dalan Zartman, Energy Security Agency (moderated by Becky Berube)
Experts provide updates on hybrid battery recycling and the outlook for clean energy trends.
2:00pm - 2:50pm // Challenging Sales in a Bull Market
Chad Counts
How to we keep our edge when everything is going our way? With the change in prices and part availability many of our barriers to growth are gone. Now we must target complacency and set new benchmarks to achieve the growth possible in this new market era.
3:00pm - 3:50pm // Collision Industry Trends
Ryan Mandell
Get up-to-speed on the latest collision industry trends, including parts utilization, delivery delays and other auto industry trends that impact the repair or totaling of insured vehicles.
3:00pm - 3:50pm // Getting the most out of a core program & what qualifies as a "good" core
Paul D'Adamo; Scott Stolberg; Mark Carr
Join this panel discussion as they address managing a core program for maximum profit. Topics will include: what to collect, how to staff, what is an acceptable core, how to package and how often to ship.
3:00pm - 3:50pm // Self-Service Panel: Commodity Recovery - Harvest More from Your Vehicles!
David Gold; Mike Pierson; Gary Lindros (moderated by Tom Andrade)
This session will highlight various materials you can harvest and prepare from your vehicle hulks to maximize your financial return. We will highlight materials, equipment needed and potential markets to sell the material into. Panelists represent high volume salvage yards that capture many different by products and sell into some different markets.
4:00pm - 4:50pm // Roundtable Discussions
Moderators: Shannon Nordstrom & Scott Robertson
4:50pm - 5:10pm // CLOSER: Recap and Takeaways
5:15pm - 7:00pm // Goodbye Reception at Hotel
7:30am - 8:00am // Prayer Meeting
8:00am - 5:00pm // Registration
8:00am - 9:00am // Auto Recycling Training Institute Meeting
8:00am - 9:00am // Scholarship Foundation
8:00am - 3:00pm // Exhibitor Load-In
9:05am - 10:35am // Affiliate Chapters Meeting
9:05am - 9:55am // Annual Convention Educational Programming Committee
10:40am - 11:30am // Interchange Committee
Everyone on own for lunch (if not Past President)
11:30am - 12:45pm // Past Presidents Luncheon
12:55pm - 1:45pm // Awareness Committee
12:55pm - 1:45pm // Government Affairs Committee
1:50pm - 2:45pm // Certification Committee
2:50pm - 4:05pm // Membership & Board of Directors Meeting
4:15pm - 5:15pm // Opening Keynote
Dave Luehr
Dave Luehr, author of The Secrets of America's Greatest Body Shops, will treat the audience to an entertaining, eye opening, and informative presentation about why most businesses cannot seem to find and retain top talent and what a small number of outliers are doing differently to solve the problem. Dave will also speak to the automotive recycler/repairer relationship.
5:30pm - 8:30pm // Ribbon Cutting and Past President Reception & Expo Opening
Friday, Sept. 23, 2022
7:45am - 8:20am // Prayer Meeting
8:00am - 5:00pm // Registration
8:30am - 8:50am // Welcome, Friday Highlights and Awards
8:50am - 9:50am // General Session: Recycler Keynote
Ryan Falco
This session will focus on the importance of Leadership within your organization and why the time is more important now than ever to be a strong leader within your organization. We will dive into the attributes that will take your yard to the next level by being a world class leader. In today’s changing environment we are seeing the importance of not being a boss but being a leader that your team can depend on and flourish under.
10:00 - 10:55am // Advantages of Being an Independent
Ron Wilbert
Why do you have a better hand to succeed than the big boys down the road ? We will discuss the multiple ways we can take advantage of being family-owned and Independent.
10:00 - 10:55am // Self-Serve Panel: Brand Marketing
Moderator: Mike Pierson
This panel will discuss the importance of having a strong brand for your business and share examples of what has worked and what has not worked for their businesses.
10:00 - 10:55am // The Power of Mentoring
Marty Hollingshead & RD Hopper
Learn about ARA’s growing peer-to-peer mentoring program and how participating in the program can help grow your business – either as a mentee or mentor! Hear from program participants, current and former mentors, and ask questions about what the program entails. If you’ve ever wanted a fresh perspective on your business or to give back to the automotive recycling industry, this session is for you.
11am - 11:55am // EV Battery Value Chain Opportunities and Challenges
Todd Coy, Cirba Solutions; Dustin Krause, Redwood Materials; Bob Mulaney, ITAP; Brylan Schultz, Natural Ventures Recycling (moderated by Sandy Blalock)
Learn more about the challenges and opportunities ahead for the EV battery market. Attendees will have ample opportunity to ask questions of this expert panel.
11am - 11:55am // Culture of Accountability
Profit Team
Recent challenges in building a good staff as well as replacing employees has robbed some businesses their ability to still hold their staff accountable. Fear of losing even an underperformer because of the great unknown has allowed many employees to perform at a lower level without worry of being corrected. They have also become more demanding. We will discuss recent findings to learn what employee information is true, exaggerated, or completely false in an effort to help attendees develop better strategies for implementing improved accountability without the fear of becoming understaffed.
11am - 11:55am // CAR and Safety Compliance Assurance
Sue Schauls & Shannon Nordstrom
How can you assure that your facility is safe for employees and customers and insulated from enforcement action or fines? By using the CAR Program Safety Standards and resources it is easy to achieve compliance and assurance – come learn how!
Noon - 1pm // Tech Talks
This session will provide an overview of software available to full-service facilities.
Noon - 1pm // Tech Talks: Self-Service Panel
This session will provide an overview of software and products available to self-service facilities.
1pm - 5pm // Exposition w/Lunch
5:30pm - 6:30pm // LARA: Wine & Cheese Social
6:30pm - 9:30pm // Networking & Awards Night
"A Night in Paradise" PAU HANA (a time to relax with friends & family)
Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022
7:45am - 8:15am // Prayer Meeting
8:00am - 3:00pm // Registration
8:30am - 9:30am // General Session: Recycler Keynote
Pat Huesers & Mike Meyers
From a start-up business on four acres of land more than 30 years ago, PAM’s Auto has grown into a 120+ acre part distribution facility. Pat and Mike (PAM) will share the evolution of their company and share how they developed process to support growth. This session will cover challenges, opportunities, and look to the future.
9:30am - Noon // Exposition Open w/Brunch
Noon - 12:50pm // Self-Service Panel: Efficiency and Safety
Moderator: Steve Barkwell
This panel will discuss how to build safety and efficiency standard operating procedures into your daily operations and share examples from their own businesses.
Noon - 12:50pm // eBay: A Support Agent of Change for the Automotive Industry
Garff Fitzgerald & Josh Brunner
Learn the latest eBay Motors advances to advance your business. This session will include live examples and demonstrations of how to improve your company’s listings.
Noon - 12:50pm // Building Relationships in the Data Field World
Profit Team
Changes in what information a customer has access too as well as automated ordering options have changed drastically in our industry. Does this change the salesperson’s role? What must be changed in order to be as successful when dealing with our more informed customers and the customer with increased order options?
1pm - 1:50pm // eBay Q&A (moderated by Theresa Colbert)
Immediately following “eBay Motors: A Support Agent of Change for the Automotive Industry”, this is an opportunity for automotive recyclers to ask questions directly to the eBay team.
1pm - 1:50pm // Building a Better Trading Group
Alex Bechstein & Ron Wilbert
Trading Groups are here to stay. So what’s next? How are you evolving to add more value to your trading group customers? Are you picking your vendors as strategic partners? This session will discuss transparency, accountability, and efficiency trends happening within trading groups that you can implement to grow your business.
1pm - 1:50pm // Change Your Approach or Your Employees Will Change Who They Work For
Jen Wilson
The last three years have been challenging to say the least. The last thing any of us want to do is lose a good employee because we weren't willing to change the way that we approached our benefits, work environment, reward systems and methods of appreciation. While we can't all have the same perks that larger companies might be able to provide, our employees see those companies and want us to at least try to appreciate them.
2:00pm - 2:50pm // Convention Take-Aways that Pushed Us to Succeed
Pat Huesers & Mike Meyers
After years of attending conventions, we always had the goal of taking away at least two or three nuggets of information that we would implement in our business. Many of the takeaways were inspiration that we applied to help with a business headache. This session will share some of the success stories of the past and look to the future.
2:00pm - 2:50pm // The Future of Mobility and Automotive Recycling
Jean-Christophe Lambert, Lithion; Austin Ornelas, Li-Cycle; Anthony Garbarino, Currents; Dalan Zartman, Energy Security Agency (moderated by Becky Berube)
Experts provide updates on hybrid battery recycling and the outlook for clean energy trends.
2:00pm - 2:50pm // Challenging Sales in a Bull Market
Chad Counts
How to we keep our edge when everything is going our way? With the change in prices and part availability many of our barriers to growth are gone. Now we must target complacency and set new benchmarks to achieve the growth possible in this new market era.
3:00pm - 3:50pm // Collision Industry Trends
Ryan Mandell
Get up-to-speed on the latest collision industry trends, including parts utilization, delivery delays and other auto industry trends that impact the repair or totaling of insured vehicles.
3:00pm - 3:50pm // Getting the most out of a core program & what qualifies as a "good" core
Paul D'Adamo; Scott Stolberg; Mark Carr
Join this panel discussion as they address managing a core program for maximum profit. Topics will include: what to collect, how to staff, what is an acceptable core, how to package and how often to ship.
3:00pm - 3:50pm // Self-Service Panel: Commodity Recovery - Harvest More from Your Vehicles!
David Gold; Mike Pierson; Gary Lindros (moderated by Tom Andrade)
This session will highlight various materials you can harvest and prepare from your vehicle hulks to maximize your financial return. We will highlight materials, equipment needed and potential markets to sell the material into. Panelists represent high volume salvage yards that capture many different by products and sell into some different markets.
4:00pm - 4:50pm // Roundtable Discussions
Moderators: Shannon Nordstrom & Scott Robertson
4:50pm - 5:10pm // CLOSER: Recap and Takeaways
5:15pm - 7:00pm // Goodbye Reception at Hotel